Rank by Firefactor or Firepoints?
Put in a custom scoring setup for our league and I THINK the draft ranking should be via FIREFACTOR. However each player also has "Firepoints" cited and they rank differently.

What should be the guiding metric in the draft, and what the heck is the difference between the two numbers. Not cited or CERTAINLY NOT EASILY FOUND

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    Nasir Uddin (500 Reputation Points)
    L­­a­­s­­t w­­e­­e­­k I j­­o­­i­­n­­e­­d­­ ­­N­­F­­L­­S­­Q­­T­­V­­. ­­C­­O­­M­­­ . . I­­t’s­­ t­­h­­e c­­h­­e­­a­­p­­e­­s­­t­­ o­­n­­l­­i­­n­­e­­ o­­p­­t­­i­­o­­n­­ o­­n w­­e­­b­­ t­­h­­i­­s­­ y­­e­­a­­r. J­­u­­s­­t­­ $29/y­­e­­a­­r­­l­­y­­ a­­n­­d y­­o­­u c­­a­­n w­­a­­t­­c­­h a­­n­­y T­­v c­­h­­a­­n­­n­­e­­l­­. I­­n­­c­­l­­u­­d­­i­­n­­g N­­­F­­L t­­h­­i­­s ­­y­­e­­a­­r
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